The Gutter Brat

February and we’re just now getting into hot dog territory! I know we’re disproportionate with the hot dog/brat/sausage posts, but they really let you experiment with different sauces and styles. Today is really just adding my favorite topping (Peppers & Onions) atop a bacon wrapped brat. Link below is to Jamie’s post/site. I’ll title mine “Gutter” as well, because I like the sound of Gutter Brat. I ain’t stealing credit.. so go visit and give her a hello!

Gutter Dogs – Love Bakes Good Cakes

The Prep Table

Mrs and I were cooking like crazy this particular weekend.

I bought this cheapo tray to convey my items from kitchen to grill, and for whatever I paid for it – well worth the money. I really don’t remember what kind of creation I was coming up with on this day, but when you’re filling up the tray with spices, had to be a good venture. I’m thinking maybe it was pastrami-related, maybe BBQ sauce too?

But in general, this recipe is pretty easy. We’re going to bacon wrap a brat and throw some SPO on there. Sauteed Pepper and Onions. It’s messy, but it’s good. No prep table picture for ya.. because I forgot. I will tell you these fresh brats (raised by my buddy) were awesome.

The Process

Oiled up Blackstone is always a good start.

So we’re throwing a splash of oil on the Blackstone and giving these things some color. I still wanted a little bit of crisp to go along with it, so we’re not cooking these down til mush.

Good enough for me

I think i threw some garlic in there based on the black minced bits too. (If you couldn’t tell, I’m typing this up a little bit – okay a lot bit – after I actually cooked these. This is one of those evergreen posts, where the meal was too good to let pass.. and I’m like, “I’ll get around to typing it up”)

Thin Smithfield on that fresh brat

I’m still liking those Smithfield bacons. I like the thick cut for my Candy Bacon, so I’ll give the thin (normal) cut whirl. Now, I really should’ve made this a totally local post and used the same pig to wrap itself, but I had already gone through that pack. I can’t believe I typed that sentence, but it’s staying because I’m laughing about it.

Anyway, wrapping these were kind of a pain. Getting them to stay also wasn’t great. If you can try to get both ends to remain on the same side, start your cook there and hope the bacon fat seals upon itself. Toothpick? sure. Whatever those meat buttons are? Maybe, but metal on metal, I’m sure to burn myself taking those out. First one is probably going to suck, but they get better.

The Result

This one held, so it got the glory.

Get a decent char on that bacon. You’ll have the snap of that bratwurst, a bite through bacon.. crunchy pepper, soft onion. Should be a meal on a bun. And it was. Healthy was not in the cards for this cook, but we did it anyway.

Maybe I ate two.

So I cooked up the entire pack of bratwurst, had a bag of leftover SPO, a few buns and I ate these for a few days. If you’ve been around for awhile, you know MrsForensicBBQ doesn’t eat meat.. and I eat a lot of it. I try to make at least one good “post-worthy” meal a week and that’s usually on Sundays. When you see a ton of food that I’m showcasing, very good chance I ate that all week. Probably one day too long as advised by your health departments.

Excellent take on a dog/brat. I’ll make this again, and may try either some chili on there, maybe a bit of BBQ sauce.. or (shocking, i know) – throw this on a corn/flour tortilla and call it a fajita dog or something. Get yourselves ready.. 2024 has just begun!

The Recipe

Hey, I said to go visit Jamie! Over here

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