Travel Fun: The Kraut Roller Dog

Wasn’t going to post this one up, but it’s ridiculous enough that I had to. Went to the store when MrsForensicBBQ finally got back from her voyage and saw that ribeye’s were going for $20. Now, I like me a good steak, but this particular grocer isn’t known for quality meat, let alone a $20-decent-at-best ribeye. I’m flying out in a couple days, didn’t want any leftovers.. so I bought a pack of all-beef hot dogs and used what I had on hand.


So this summer had me driving and flying all over the place. I’d be home for the weekend, and then off for the week. I think this will be my 7th trip (By the time you’re reading this, I’m already at my destination) in just a few months – so I’m used to just using leftovers on the weekend. But this takes it to a whole new level.

Angry from the $20 steak venture, I just bought some dogs and said I’ll make it work at home. Truthfully, I didn’t really really make it work, as these were not my favorite. I’m not going to do these again, at least with this combination.

Leftover kraut from a future post (spoiler!)

I had some leftover sauerkraut, so I thought I’d make a kraut dog. I had leftover tortillas, so why buy buns. If I wrap the dog with kraut in a tortilla, it’ll at least be a decent meal, right? RecTeq was fired up to about 425 and I went to “work”.

Oh boy..

So I put a little heat on the tort, wrapped it all together like the broke-ass taquito it was, and finished it off hot.

The Kraut Roller Dog was born

I joked with MrsForensicBBQ that this was just a step above what you’d find at the local convenience store/gas station that’s been sitting on the rollers for hours. I don’t know if putting swiss cheese in it would’ve made it better (looking at you Mrs 😃) – I don’t know if a dipping sauce would’ve put perfume on this pig.. but I ate it like it should’ve been eaten: Quick and without much thought.

Wanted to put a little fun post out there. This should be my last travel venture for a bit and maybe I can get back to normal. You know, seeing my wife on the weekdays (I love you!), getting back into my running routine (Hit a half marathon this year, then nothing). Crazy 2024, but we’re blessed with what we have!

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