Taco Sliders (Carne de Res Finamente Picada)

This post is entirely dedicated to the Ortega marketing team. I don’t need any reason to make tacos. They’re my go-to weekday meal. I don’t recall a time in my adult life where I don’t have a portioned 1lb ground beef in my freezer for when I need my fix. On a typical trip to the grocer, I came across something I haven’t seen before. “Mini Taco Slider Shells”. Well, dammit Ortega, I gotta do that.

But can I flex this into a ForensicBBQ post where I’ve done something different? Yes. Enter the “Carne de res finamente picada” (finely diced beef?) Says “Great for tacos” on it.. I don’t think I’ve showcased this – so here we are.

The Prep Table

Taco Sliders – love it.

This is no doubt going to be a quick Blackstone feature, so rather than focus on the fancy Spanish language that might get me another view at ForensicBBQ.com – let’s focus on the prep. This veggie cutting board though:

Avocado, onion, cilantro and lime. C’mon now.

Enjoy your taco Friday like I’m going to enjoy these. I normally top these with a ridiculous hot sauce, but not so much today. My out-of-state buddies threw me some “Angry Goat Pepper Co” hot sauces a bit ago – and they chap an ass like few I’ve tried. Not playing that game for these. We have a “4N6BBQ Presents…” coming up with some crazy hot sauces – no better way to ring in the new year.

The Process

Blackstone meet beef – topped with my Taco seasoning.
The crisped taco

Why yes, of course I used the RecTeq to cook these taco shells. RecTeq did do some kind of “XP” thing to their app – to showcase some bragging rights – but the amount of hours I’ve put on the RecTeq Bull is damn impressive. Even for something like heating up taco shells, I’m using it.

Anyway, let’s dress up these tacos.

The Result

Now that’s a taco slider platter

No words. I can do two-bite tacos on any shell, but this made me feel like it was meant for it and not just fat ForensicBBQ being fat ForensicBBQ. Quick rice and a chip/salsa side to complete the plate and it was a beautiful meal.

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