Admin Notes, Updates, and GIVEAWAY!

We’re giving away FREE stuff this week! If you’re getting this in your e-mail, you know I got you. For everyone else, read on!

E-Mail Subscriptions

Sign up to receive our posts directly in your e-mail every Friday!

I haven’t really figured out a good way to promote the e-mails on the mobile-side of the website. I had an ugly-ass button at the top for a long time, but I hated it (I’m sure you did too). So we’re going to try something new. If you’re already subscribed – you’re awesome. You’re the realest of the real – and I can’t thank you enough. Let me know if you have any recommendations you’d like to see added, recipe ideas.. anything. We recently changed our contact e-mail: – we welcome all comments!

Almost all comments. We still get some nasty, vile spam comments on our posts that have absolutely nothing to do with BBQ, recipes or whatever. I have a permanent screen placed on it, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to hear from you! We’d love to know what you think (especially if you try one of our cooks!)

E-Mail Change

Like I said, we changed it up. I’m pretty sure I’ve changed around our e-mail address enough times.. this should be the last one. I’ve finally figured out how to make the most of this domain name, so if you want to get a hold of us, find us here:

Both MrsForensicBBQ and I will monitor this mailbox now (I won’t lie – I’ll monitor it and let her know she has fan mail). I’ll be scrapping the old ones – but this one looks a little more professional and makes us look legit.

Guest Posts

Hey, we’re always looking for those interested in contributing to our site! We’ve seen a lot of your suggestions – looking at you Shovel – and a couple of you have said you’re interested. SUPER EASY to get involved. E-Mail us at and let us know you’re interested. We’ll look it over and post it! Bonus points with pictures, extra bonus points if you include your recipe. Once we get to know you, I’ll open up the site for you and you’ll get your day of the week to contribute as you’re able to.

Our First Giveaway!

Yes, that’s right. MrsForensicBBQ has given me permission to send YOU a free gift ONLY for our e-mail subscribers. I thought sending you a T-Shirt is an easy way to say thank you, but I’ll also give you the option of choosing if you want a pack of one of my seasonings! Again, if you’re already an e-mail subscriber, you have already been entered TWICE into our giveaway. I told you, you’re the real ones.

Free is always nice!

Anyone that signs up between NOW before Forensic Friday (roughly THIS Friday – 12Aug @ 1100 UTC) – you’re automatically entered to win the shirt!

We’ll send you an e-mail and (with permission) announce you as our winner on MrsMonday (8/15) . And you’ll get to choose if you want a pack of one of my homemade seasonings (and any stickers/magnets/coasters you’d like). You can choose from:
Fine Swine BBQ Rub (Pork)
Meaty Bits Rub (Beef)
Meaty Bits Texas Premium (Kosher salt & hand ground red kampot peppercorns)
Cajun blend (Un-named)
Bird rub (Un-named)
*New* Smoked/roasted garlic seasoning (Spoiler)
Taco (Un-named)

Hell, if you choose an un-named seasoning, I’ll give you the first crack at naming it.. so long as MrsForensicBBQ approves it.. (quality control).

Mobile-side edit / Social Media

I mentioned I hated that e-mail button on the mobile site – I’ve changed it so it links to our social media.. specifically MY (@ForensicBBQ) social media. Thought it’d be a good time to remind you all the places you can find us!

Twitter – @ForensicBBQ
GETTR – @ForensicBBQ
Instagram – @ForensicBBQ & @MrsForensicBBQ
Truth Social – @ForensicBBQ –
Facebook – Honestly, Facebook is kind of a bitch.. so I share my Instagram posts with it — but search us out and maybe they’ll let me @ForensicBBQ it.

I promised to switch over to LOCALS a little bit ago, but I’ll be damned if all these social medias isn’t a pain in the ass. Still trying to get it all to work together – hell, I should try to monetize it.. but we truthfully do it just for the fun of it.

Thank You

As we’re rolling into our 3rd year (crazy I know) – we just wanted to say thank you for all the support and kind words. Y’all’s support is what keeps us going. Of course, I posted something that on Instagram that wasn’t “IG-popular” a month or two ago, and our account hasn’t been the same since. Kinda sad, but that’s 2022 for you. With both of us working full time jobs, we still try to update our social medias as best as possible and keep you in the know.

Again, if you haven’t, sign up for our e-mails and you’re entered to win a FREE T-SHIRT and a pack of one of our seasonings! Thanks again!

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