This dish is a little complex, but you can do certain steps while others are going on. To start, you’ll want to bake your sweet potato because those things take forever to cook! Heat the over to 425 degrees. Then (this is the fun part) stab the crap out of that potato with a fork! More holes equal quicker cooking! Pretend it’s that driver that cut you off in traffic or the coworker who ate your lunch! Sanctioned stabbing is an excellent outlet! Once you’ve thoroughly murdered your sweet potato, wrap it in foil and put it in the oven for about an hour. You can periodically pull it out and check on its softness, even slice it open for faster cooking (sanctioned slicing too???). Mr. FBBQ will tell you I read way too many murder books and listen to way too many murder podcasts!
While your sweet potato is baking, gather up an onion, celery, mushroom, and some garlic cloves. Chop all of these up and add them to a saucepan with some water, cooking them until they start to brown. You can put some seasoning on this mixture. The recipe called for Poultry seasoning, but I used Green Harvest. You can also add a little salt and pepper.
While these are cooking, add the chickpeas to a food processor and blend them up. Add the blended chickpeas to the saucepan with the onion, garlic, celery, and mushroom and stir it all together. This is going to top your sweet potato.
Next, cut some bread up into cubes and toast it. I opted for this delicious Cranberry Walnut bread from Whole Foods. Love this stuff! Once that is toasted, add it to the onion, garlic, celery, mushroom, chickpea, garlic mix. Douse with some vegetable broth to moisten.
Remove your sweet potato from the oven and slice it open. Top it with the veggie/bread mixture. Garnish with some parsley and enjoy your “stuffinged” sweet potato!!
Be aware, this is super-filling! I couldn’t even eat half of it. Leftovers!