Roasted Garlic, Squash, and Farro Stew

Well folks, even though it’s Winter (here in the Northern Hemisphere) and almost Christmas, this is a great Fall stew! It works for Winter too though!

A lot going on here

To make this stew we need farro, delicata squash, apple cider vinegar, kale, vegetable broth, butternut squash, shallots, an onion, parsley, butter beans (I added northern beans too because more beans are better!), thyme, garlic, whole wheat panko, pine nuts, and a turnip. The store was out of turnips when we went shopping for this dish so I decided to give a rutabega a shot! Rutabegas and turnips are both root vegetables. Rutabegas are usually yellow and brown, where turnips are white and purple, but they are both round! Rutabegas are usually larger and have a slightly bitter flavor, where turnips are sweet and earthy when cooked. Both rutabegas and turnips are high in fiber, low in calories, and are good sources of potassium, calcium, vitamin B6, and folate. Source:

The garlic, pre-smoke

Mr. FBBQ was kind enough to smoke the garlic as opposed to me roasting it in the oven. It smelled delicious!!

Delicata squash is so named due to its delicate skin-and the skin is edible! Something I did not know or I would have left it on!

I prepped some of the ingredients the night before I made this stew. That included peeling the squashes , dicing them, and steaming them for a bit to soften them up.

ROOT-a-bega! Get it? Root vegetable?

Peel and dice the rutabega. FYI, the rutabega smelled very potato-y. Boil the diced rutabega in some water to soften it up (just like the squashes).

On hold til tomorrow

I refrigerated the softened squash and rutabega overnight. The next day, I spread them out on 2 pans, doused them with a little apple cider vinegar, and tried to brown them in the oven. I should have sprayed the aluminum foil though. They started to stick so I took them out. I didn’t want them to be unusable.

Not at all browned. But still tasty!

Cook the farro. Set that aside.

Fancy farro

Chop the onion and scallions and cook them in a pan until browned.

Browned, unlike the squash


Toast the panko and pine nuts in a small pan. DO NOT take your eyes off of them to wash dishes. They will burn. I was able to salvage some of this and it added a really nice crunch (and slightly charred flavor) to the stew. Unfortunately, I am a pro at burning things. Mr. FBBQ and his rice will strongly agree.

Slightly charred but still edible
Kale Yeah!

Remove the stems from the kale and tear it into small pieces. Add vegetable broth to a large pot, add the squash and rutabega, the beans (rinsed and drained), the cooked farro, the onion/shallot mix, and the kale. Sprinkle some thyme on it. Chop the garlic and add that as well.

Very Fall colors, don’t you agree?

Serve it in a bowl with some parsley (I put too much parsley on this-it was very strong and overtook a lot of the other flavors).

Pre Panko Pine Nuts

Add the (hopefully not charred) panko/pine nut mixture and enjoy!

Still very yummy even with char!
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