Red Lentils w/ Peppers, Sweet Potatoes

Welcome back y’all! Got a very colorful recipe for you today!

Photobomb: Roxy

For this dish we need some red lentils (which are actually orange and cook to turn yellow), bell peppers, a lime, scallions, garlic, a sweet potato, and some cilantro. Easy peasy. But there’s no peas.

So sweet!

To start, cube the sweet potato and douse it with some avocado oil. Bake it in the oven at 420 degrees for about an hour until the cubes are soft.

Told ya-yellow

Cook the lentils. Don’t overcook them like I did. They were still edible but a bit mushy.

Pan o’ peppers

Slice up the peppers and dice some garlic. Brown them in a pan on the stove.

The lentils will be the base. Add the sweet potatoes.

Almost there…

Then add the peppers and garlic. Dice up some scallions and top it with those.

Such a tasty dish!

Lastly, chop some cilantro and garnish with that. Squeeze the lime over it and you are ready to eat!

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