Lemony Rotini w/ Broccoli, Peppers, Onions

Happy Monday y’all! I’ve got a Mrs. Mini for you today! I always make broccoli with orzo. I was scrolling through the Forks Over Knives app and found a recipe that inspired this one!

Some good background in this one! My Shark Clippy-Dos and Olivia’s tail!

Super simple ingredients here! Whole wheat rotini, broccoli, a sweet onion, a lemon, and some leftover peppers I had from another recipe.

Quick pepper and onion grill

Grill the peppers and onions in some avocado oil. Once that’s going, fill a pot with some water to cook the pasta and get out your trusty vegetable steamer!

Broccoli in the sauna

Cook the broccoli in the vegetable steamer.

Rotini in the hot tub

Cook the pasta.

Some assembly required

Use the pasta as the base. Top with the broccoli.

Quick, simple meal

Add the peppers and squeeze the lemon on top of the dish. This was really easy to make; a great mid-week dinner! It could’ve used some spices though! Let me know what spices you would put on this!

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