
Hey, y’all!  Happy Monday!  You are probably wondering what the heck is Koshari???  Simply put, its lentils, rice, macaroni with onions and tomatoes and spices.  Kinda a spoiler alert there for the ingredients!   Koshari is actually an Egyptian street food.  This dish is super delicious. I’ve made it in the past and had to re-do it for a post!

To start, you’ll need a few pots and pans.  One to cook the rice, one to cook the lentils, one to cook the macaroni, and one for the onions/garlic/tomatoes.  Cook the lentils as you would regularly.  While these are cooking, you can get the rice going as well.  Both will take a bit of time, so hold off on starting the macaroni. 

Photobomb – Roxy
Lentils and rice

The onions can go into a skillet and get sauteed.  Add the garlic.  Sautee for a few more minutes.  Add cumin, coriander, and allspice.  Mix everything together and add a can of diced tomatoes and a few tablespoons of tomato paste.  Mix all of this in and set aside as a topping. 

Plain ‘ol onions
Not so plain anymore…
Definitely not so plain anymore!

Once the macaroni is done cooking, mix together the lentils, rice, and macaroni.  Top with the onion/tomato/spice mix. 

Added the mac to the lentil rice mix

Enjoy your Egyptian street food!!!

Koshari in a fish dish!
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