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Oklahoma Onion Smashburger

The diner-style flat-top greasy crispy burger. Keep some paper towel near by, as you got yourselves a greasy burger coming. Stack it for a double, if you choose. For the onion lover in all of us.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes


  • Blackstone Griddle
  • Spatula/Flipper
  • Sharp, thin blade knife


  • 1 Lb Ground beef Fat is flavor - go at least 80/20
  • 4 Slices Kraft Processed Cheese Slices
  • 1 Large White Onion
  • 1 Cup Pickle Slices
  • 1 Tbsp Butter
  • 4 Hamburger Buns
  • 1 Tbsp Seasoning Meat Church Holy Cow


  • Fire up your blackstone to high - get it hot.
  • Find that thin blade knife.. Halve your onion and slice it as thin as you can. You want a pile of strands.
  • Use your preference for burger slices - I went with 3-4oz patties to fill the bun. Roll it up into a ball.
  • Throw the butter on the Blackstone, distribute throughout your cooking surface
  • Slap those meat balls on the griddle, sprinkle some seasonings on it and put a quarter of the onions on each ball.
  • Use your flipper and smash the burger/onion pile so the patty is pretty darn thin.
  • Let it cook for a minute or two - waiting for the gray/brown to get to the top of the patty edge. You get one shot at this - don't worry about burning it.
  • Flip it, and let the onions and beef work on cooking this side. You should see a beautiful crispy char staring at you. Cover it with another dust of seasoning, a Kraft square, and let that other side cook for a minute or so.
  • Put that bottom bun on there with the top bun right on top of it. Let that meaty, oniony steam attach itself to the buns. When you're ready, weak hand your top bun, strong hand your flipper and marry the two. Fancify it with a pickle or two, or 5 - You got yourself the Oklahoma Onion!